This Frontend developer course designed for beginner level to advanced level. This course includes how to interacting with backend developer, UX designers, understanding of RESTful APIs, Angular, React, HTML5, SASS, Bootstrap, Node JS, Express, Jasmine, and much more. This package includes 2+ hands-on projects with the portfolio.
A very perfect package for who wants to become expert level in frontend development.
Enroll ProjectsIntroduction, Elements, Tags, Attributes, Formatting Tags, Inline vs Block, Tables, Images, Anchor Tags, Forms, Misc, HTML5, APIs - Canvas, SVG, Geolocation, Semantic Tags, Forms, Media, Web Workers, Web Storage, Web Sockets, IE hacks
Introduction, Selectors, Dimensions, Float, Block, Positions, Tables, Pseudo Classes, Forms, Overflow, Background, Fonts, List, Borders, Box Model, Margin, Padding, Radius, Gradient, Media Queries, Animations, Transitions, Text, User Interface
CSS Preprocessors, SASS, SASS - Installation, SASS - Variables, SASS - Includes, SASS - Extend, SASS - Nested, SASS - Imports
Overview, Frameworks, Data Types, Variables, Functions, Conditions, Operators, Loops, DOM, Arrays, Events, Objects, Closures, Callbacks, Prototypes, Inheritance, Window Objects, Patterns, Date, IIFE, Indepth Arrays, Component Development, Design Patterns
ES6, Features, const, let, Arrow functions, Export / Import, Destructuring, Template Literals, Default Params, Spread Operators, for of, classes, constructors, extends, scoping, IIFE, Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet, Object Properties, Built in methods
Overview, Syntax, Selectors, Filters, Forms, Animations, CSS, Events, Chaining, Transverse
Overview Bootstrap, Mobile First, Understanding Grid System, TypoGraphy, Components, JavaScript Bootstrap, Customizing Theme
AJAX, JSON, RESTful API calls, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, Postman, Debugging APIs
Overview Angular JS, Modules, Controllers, Directives, Filters, Constants, Dependency Injection, Services, Custom Directives, Custom Filters, Custom Services, Routes, $apply, $broadcast, $on, $digest, $watch, resolove, deferred
React JS, JSX, WebPack, Features, Hello World, Simple Component, JSX Component, Create Class, Props, States, Events, Component Life Cycle, ES6 Classes, ES6 Functions, Constructors, Webpack Set Up, Routes, Working with List, API calls, CRUD, Comments App, Single Page App, Blog App, Red Ux, Actions, Reducers, APIs, Constants, Using Express JS, Style Guide
Node JS, NPM, Install, bodyParser, API create, Bower, Gulp, Gulp custom tasks, Gulp Uglify, Server.js, Express JS, Create RESTFul APIs, Angular JS with Node, Yeoman
Angular 2, Installation, Angular 1 vs Angular 2, Hello World, Bootstraping, NgModules, Components, Modules, Angular CLI, Directives, Models, Routes, Directives, Forms, Dependency Injections, Pipes, Style Guide, Unit Testing, Custom Structure, Custom Components, Custom Modules, Custom Services, Custom Pipes, CRUD Example, Theming Angular JS, Style Guide
Git overview, Git account, readme, pull, push, status, merge, branch, tags